


[继闻法师, 90日禅修2022年]

We must be grateful that we can practice together in such a dignified and comfortable place. We who follow in the Buddha’s footsteps got to know what gratitude is, then own up to the debt of gratitude, and finally pay the debt of gratitude, this is very important. To be endowed with such cause and condition, it is not easy, don’t we have to be grateful?

.We say if we don’t have roots of kindness, we will not even be here. If there are no merits and virtues, there won’t be such a place of practice, if you do not have the necessary cause and condition, even if you want to come, you cannot come.

[Ven. Chi Boon (alias Gye Mun Sunim), 90-day Zen Retreat 2022]

Yeow Tang Ng


有一僧问赵州禅师: 「狗子有佛性吗? 」

赵州答问: 「无. 」

赵州答「无」, 这是什么意思?

注: 继闻师父说已故日本老禅师参「无」字公案长达四十年。他勉励我们选择一个法门或公案,深入去实修。不要轻易改变或放弃。

Joju's Dog

A monk once asked Joju, " Does a dog have Buddha-nature?"

Joju answered, " Mu!"

Joju said , " Mu! " What does this mean ?

Note: Ven Chi Boon said the late Japanese Roshi Tangen Harada Roshi practiced this "Mu !" kong an for forty years. He encourage us to choose one method or kong-an and keep it. Do not change or give up easily .

Yeow Tang Ng

一切事物从哪里来?如果你要某些东西,它将很遥远. 如果你不要它, 它已经在你面前.


Everything comes from where? If you want something, it is far away. If you don't want it , it is already in front of you.

-Zen Master Seung Sahn

Yeow Tang Ng





[继文法师,观音禅林迪沙鲁,九十日禅修2022 ]

Looking back over seventy years

All conflicts in life are like a dream

Sitting in the mountain and listening quietly - the sound itself dust off the mind

Birds chirping, floral fragrance, the cool summer breeze.

[Ven Chi Boon, KYCL Zen Desaru, 90 Days Zen Retreat 2022]

Yeow Tang Ng

如果能说得出来就继续上路." 归宗就坐在圆圈里. 麻谷装作女人模样礼拜.


归宗说:" 你的心在想什么?"


2. 你如果在场,你会如何答?


Three Zen Masters -Nam Cheon,Kui Jeong, and Ma Gok -went together to pay respects to National Teacher Chung. When they got halfway there, Nam Cheon drew a circle on the ground and said, " If you can speak, then let's go on." Kui Jeong sat down inside the circle, and Ma Gok curtseyed.

Nam Cheon said," If that's so, let's not go on."

Kui Jeong asked ,"What's going on in your mind? "

1.Nam Cheon made a circle. What does it mean ?

2. If you were there, how would you answer?

-Kong an given to retreatants during 90 days retreat.

Yeow Tang Ng





[继闻法师,九十日禅修2022 ]

A hundred years boulder as the zen bed;

Blue sky, white clouds, the Sun is shining;

Not a thought comes up, the substance shows up;

Chan Lin cleans dust - listen in stillness.

[Venerable Chi Boon, alias Gye Mun Sunim, 90 days Zen Retreat 2022]

Yeow Tang Ng

首先你必须立下坚定的决定去证得开悟与帮助他人. 你已有五戒或十戒. 须知道何时持戒与何时破戒, 何时把它们打开与何时关上它们. 放下你的小我以成为你的自性.






You must first make a firm decision to attain Enlightenment and help others. You already have the five or the ten precepts. Know when to keep them and when to break them, when they are open and when they are closed. Let go of your small self and become your true self.

In original nature

There is no this and that.

The Great Round Mirror

Has no likes or dislikes.

-Temple Rules by Zen Master Seung Sahn

Yeow Tang Ng

Practice is not only what we do in the meditation room. Rather, from moment to moment, what are you doing now? That is correct practice. It is often called effort; we sometimes call it try-mind. It is very simple, yeah? There is no need to make it complicated.

-Zen Master Seung Sahn

修行不仅是我们在禅堂里做些什么. 相反,刹那刹那间,你现在在做什么?那是正确的修行. 我们经常称它为努力; 有时我们称它为尝试的心。 这很简单, 是吗?没必要让它复杂.。


Yeow Tang Ng

这世界真有趣. 在自性中, 万物不生也不灭. 然而人们说事物有生与死. 这很有趣. 事物本不垢或净. 然而人们想有些东西好和有些东西坏, 一些东西干净和一些东西肮脏. 他们执着于善业和恶业. 他们得到快乐与痛苦.


This world is very funny. In true nature, all things neither appear nor disappear. Yet people say that things have life and death. This is funny. Things are neither tainted nor pure. Yet people think that some things are good and some things are bad, some things are clean and some things are dirty. They are attached to good karma and bad karma. They get happiness and suffering.

-Zen Master Seung Sahn

Yeow Tang Ng







师父:静坐就是快乐,哈哈哈。有些人认为静坐无聊,是痛苦的。可是你说它是快乐。继续这样的训练,继续来快乐。人生就是快乐的。人生很少活到一百年。你要认为每一个时间,就是最重要的时间,每一天,是最重要的一天。那你不会缺少什么 。。。



Shifu: Would you share if you are happy here?

Student: Happy.

Shifu: What makes you happy?

Student: Freedom.

Shifu: Yes, free and at ease.

Student: And sitting meditation.

Shifu: Sitting meditation is happiness, wow, hahaha. Some people reckon that sitting meditation is boring and a pain. But you said it is happiness. Continue to train in this way, continue to be this happy. Human beings seldom live to a-hundred-year. You should regard any time as the most important time, any day as the most important day. Then you do not lack anything …

Most people keep running after happiness from the outside, but they are already happy, they don’t know, they keep running away from happiness, and they keep running after happiness. On the one hand, they escape, on the other hand they search. Never ending, non-stop, then live in ocean of suffering. So this Zen centre is not the ocean of suffering, Desaru Ocean Zen Retreat Centre is to bring happiness to others. Thank you for your sharing.

-Ven. Chi Boon

Yeow Tang Ng


- 宇峰禅师

Do what is necessary, don't do what is not necessary.

-Zen Master Wu Bong

Yeow Tang Ng




When you are putting in efforts, whatever the method is, it could be repentance chanting, it could also be sitting meditation, only just do it wholeheartedly. The mind that can connect with this situation, we say mind can connect with emptiness, then there are no hindrances, it is not mandatory to chant well, or sit well. You should become one with it.

We talked about connecting with this inner great compassion, to connect with great compassion that implies no enemies, not holding grudges against anyone. When we make opposition, when there is an I so there is an opposite you, there is a third-party, on and on in this way, the Diamond Sutra says, with forms of self, then there are forms of person, then forms of sentient beings, continuing on and on in this way then there are forms of living things.

-Ven. Chi Boon

Yeow Tang Ng

我们这样的安居,心是非常的宁静,如果你有真正的用功。如果你坐在这边,心一直打妄想, 想要到另外一个地方,你就是在追求幻想的世界,错失了当下,这里,此刻。 人生只是回到当下,原点,本来就具足,本来没有缺少什么。

- 继闻法师

When we settle down this way, the mind is very quiet, that is if you have truly put in the efforts. If you sit here, with a mind that keeps fluttering with delusory thoughts, planning of being somewhere else, you are actually chasing after an illusory world, you lose what’s right now, right here, this present moment. Life is only to come back to this moment, primary point, originally endow with everything, originally not lacking anything.

-Ven. Chi Boon

Yeow Tang Ng

我们必须把我们的偏见放下然后与天空、 树木、空气和其他的人一起生活在世界中.


We must put down our prejudices and live in the world with the sky, the trees, the air and other people.

-Zen Master Seung Sahn

Yeow Tang Ng

痛苦需要一个反应. 我们把这个反应称为"慈悲". 禅的意思是, 你如何找到你的慈悲?


Suffering requires a response. We call the response "compassion". Zen means, how do you find your compassion?

-Zen Master Dae Kwang

Yeow Tang Ng



有必要如此吗?你可选一部真正相应的经。甚至心经,它不是很长,五分钟以内你便能诵完。它很短但意义很深, 很广。你如此在长长的经书下功夫是好的,但这些功夫必需帮助你自己消化它,成为你的。我们能理论上了解经书,但我们更需要反照它。那你才能真的受用。如何消化这些教学的文字,使它成为你的,你的般若智慧。这非常重要。


Every home has a difficult Sutra to chant.

Many people said I chant this Sutra, how many time every day, and how many Sutras I chant every day. Wow, chant so many Sutras, that’s wonderful, you have already become Buddha, very fast. Is that so?

Is that necessary? You can pick up the Sutra that you really connect with. Even the Heart Sutra, it is not very long, you can chant it in 5 minutes. It is very short but the meaning is very deep and wide. It is good that you put in the effort into long Sutras, but this effort has to help you digest it, so it become yours. We can know the Sutras theoretically but we have to always turn inward to reflect on it. Then you can really benefit. How to digest all these teaching words so that they become yours, your prajna wisdom. This is very important.

-Ven. Chi Boon, alias Gye Mun Sunim, 90-day Zen Retreat 2022

Yeow Tang Ng

每一刻是最重要的一刻, 每一天都是最重要的一天.


Every moment is the most important moment. Everyday is the most important day.

-Venerable Chi Boon

Yeow Tang Ng


.有人问我为什么要诵经。诵经不是诵经。诵经是禅修。安居的意思是只是去做。只是去做的意思是一起行动。一起行动的意思是快乐。没有我,喜欢,不喜欢 – 我喜欢坐禅,我不喜欢诵经;我喜欢诵经,我不喜欢拜佛。 一起行动的意思是大家拜,我们只是拜。 大家诵,我们只是诵。也听自己的声音,别人的声音。我们用自己的声音诵念,我们听,非常清楚。这个的意思是我们诵经不是为了捉住某样东西。倘若我们在念咒语Om Mani Padme Hum,也只是Om Mani Padme Hum,我们不会想求Oh Money Money Come。有所要求是你痛苦的因,你有贪。观音用耳闻修行,用当下的声音修行,不是过去,现在,未来。


- 继闻法师,90日禅修2022年

Every home has a difficult Sutra to chant.

Someone asked me why do we chant. Chanting is not chanting. Chanting is chanting meditation. Retreat means just do it. Just do it means together action. Together actions means happiness. There is no I, no like, no dislike - I like sitting, I don’t like chanting; I like chanting, I don’t like bowing. Together action means everyone is bowing, we just bow. Everyone chants, we just chant. Also, listen to our voice and others’ voice. We can use our voice to chant, we can hear, very clear. That means we are not chanting to grab something. Even if we chant the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, just Om Mani Padme Hum, we never think Oh Money Money Come. Wanting something cause you suffering, you have greed. Avalokitesvara used the hearing ears to practice, use the moment-to-moment sound to practice, not in the past, not now, not future.

This is the same for looking into before-speech question. What is before-speech question? Before-speech question has no meaning. But if you just do it, then you will be energised.

-Ven. Chi Boon, alias Gye Mun Sunim, 90-day Zen Retreat 2022]

Yeow Tang Ng



The Buddha is a great medicine king, not only in healing the body, but our minds as well. What are our mind sicknesses? We are greedy for things that we like, gripping on to these and cannot let go, when we lose our grip we throw tantrum, then there is anger, therefore, there are greed, anger, ignorance, pride, doubt; Opining that this thing belongs to me, there is a self-identity, not realising that this self-identity exists from the joining together of various causes and conditions, even this self-identity is delusory, if not one person would support you, how would you go on, so do not opine that you are the most capable, powerful..We learn the Dharma, simply said, that is learning to relax, how to relax, how to let the body relax, how to let the mind be clear, that is, breathing in and breathing out, inhale from the nose to the energy centre, the lower abdomen rises and expand, then exhale slowly, just in this way sitting meditatively and breathing deeply, the mind quietens down, there is no whining, there is no venting of dissatisfaction. .Before we talk, just in this way too, first breathe then talk, then we can speak clearly, speak correctly.    [Ven. Chi Boon, alias Gye Mun Sunim, 90-day Zen Retreat 2022]

Yeow Tang Ng

切断所有的思唯, 忘却一切条件. 静坐而无事可为. 春来草自生.


Cutting off all thinking, forgetting all conditions. While sitting here with nothing to do- Yet spring comes, and the grass grows all by itself.

-Zen Master So Sahn

Yeow Tang Ng